Prof. Dr. Sadik Krasniqi – drejtor i shkollës NYSS Profesor Krasniqi ka punuar si mësimdhënës në shkollën fillore dhe të mesme në Vushtrri. Në Fakultetin e Edukimit Fizik dhe të Sportit ka punuar si mësimdhënës që nga viti 1980. Profesor Krasniqi ka doktoruar pranë Universitetit të sporteve të Tiranës në temën: “Ndjeshmëria Ritmike në funksion...
Archives: Profiles
Erion Hamiti
Erion Hamiti received his Bachelor Degree in Mathematics from the University of Prishtina. He is currently working on his Master Thesis on a topic in Functional Analysis. He has won a bronze medal two times in the International Mathematics Competition, and has been awarded by the Ministry of Science and Education for his achievements. Erion...
Qenan Maxhuni
Qenan Maxhuni is an Assistant Professor of Biology at the College of Medical SciencesRezonanca. He received his Ph. D. in Biology at Niğde University in Turkey, in collaboration withMax-Planck Institute – Germany in 2019. He published more than twenty original researchpapers and about fifteen abstracts and poster presentations at national and internationalconferences and symposiums. In...
Rrahman Ferizi
Rrahman Ferizi is an Assistant Lecturer of Biology and Genetics at the Faculty of Medicine,University of Prishtina. He received his Ph. D. in Biology at the University of Tirana, Faculty ofNatural Sciences, Tirana, Albania in collaboration with the Faculty of Life Sciences in Austria in 2015.From 2012 to 2015 he specialized as a scientific researcher...
Dafina Sylaj
Naime Hoxha
Naime Hoxha is a clinical psychologist working with gifted students and their families in Kosovo. Naime has been active in the field of giftedness for over 10 years and has also served as an external expert for the Ministry of Education and Science in planning for provision of special services for gifted children in regular schools....
Rozafa Ukimeraj
She studied law and due to her great success shown during studies, has been awarded with the degree cuma laude “Distinguished Student”. She holds a Master degree in Public Administration and pursued her further postgraduate studies in the field of Public Administration and International Relations in the US. During her undergraduate studies, she was awarded...
Driton Qehaja
Driton Qehaja has a doctor title from Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, WU-Wien, Austria. Professor Qehaja has followed his academic carrier at MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, as a Fulbright professional awarded scientist and Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. His working experience is at International Monetary Fund (IMF) as Special Appointee, Desk...
Armend Shabani
Armend Shabani is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Prishtina. He received his Ph. D. in Mathematics at the University of Prishtina in 2016. He supervised several undergraduate and graduate students. He serves as referee for several international refereed journals. He published more than twenty-five research papers. He co-authored several elementary school books....
Valmir Krasniqi
Valmir is the Kosovar Mathematical Society's Olympiads coordinator and the coach of the Kosovo national team at the International Mathematical Olympiad. He is also an ATOM Institute member and the President of the Kangaroo International Mathematical Competition in Kosovo.